
Are you interested in finding out more about the Christian faith? Do you not really know where to start? Do you worry that you will be told what to think?

At St Mungo’s we run an occasional series for people exploring the Christian faith, those who have been stirred and motivated to seek out a church and gain an understanding of faith and something of the life and teachings of Jesus and how his ministry, death and resurrection have relevance for us today.

We enjoy having conversations, exploring our faith and what it may be saying to us today. We are clear there is a relevance and there are lessons we can learn to help us live a fulfilling life and honour God’s creation and God’s deep desire that we love our neighbour. Our house group and faith development discussions are all ways to help us continue the exploration of our faith and deepen and grow our knowledge and love of God.

Our Vision Statement and the accompanying text may help, but nothing beats a conversation to take another step on your journey in faith. Please contact the Rector, Nick, on 01968 678254 or use the contact form on this website.