
At an age where an individual, who has been baptised, can decide for themselves that they wish to publicly declare their faith, they can ask for ‘confirmation’. This is a service where the Bishop blesses them and the individual makes a public declaration to the gathered congregation, our church family, of their faith.

Adults who have come to faith can be baptised by the priest, and will then be eligible to be confirmed by the Bishop.

Anyone who has been confirmed may ask that their faith be affirmed by renewing their confirmation vows alongside individuals being confirmed. This is an act of renewal and also an act of being a faith companion to those seeking confirmation.

Anyone asking for confirmation or affirmation would normally join a specific faith development group and explore what their vows will mean and help them explore how their faith may impact on their lives today in the 21st century. The exact duration and content will depend on the individuals coming forward, but would normally involve weekly group discussion of about 90 minutes over six weeks.

Contact the Rector, Nick, for further information, on 01968 678254, or by email.