Mission Statement

Mission Statement

‘Growing in love, Christ-centred faith and service’

God calls us and gives us grace to use the gifts God has given us. To grow as a loving, welcoming and Christ-centred people, faithful in worship, rejoicing in our differences, open to the gifts of the Spirit and working as God’s servants in our communities. We will shoulder these responsibilities together, from clergy and leaders, through vestries, to every member of the congregation.

Mission Statement in Action

In order to fulfill this vision we will all work together to:-

  • Keep the good things that we have
  • Be welcoming, tolerant and flexible
  • Give space to individuals to contribute
  • Nurture development
  • Be collaborative

We will:-

Support Personal Faith by

  • Creating space for prayer and spiritual communication beyond the traditional structures of worship
  • Supporting prayer and Bible study
  • Timing our activities to suit participants
  • Continuing and increasing our links with Christians in the local community (ACT)

Move forward together by

  • Empowering our young people to shape things
  • Having a flexible and innovative approach
  • Maintaining and developing our links with: St James, St Andrew’s, Peebles High School, West Linton Primary and Newlands Primary
  • Spreading the load across the congregation
  • Maintaining and improving our outreach and pastoral care with a particular focus on our local community